Betty2 (TX) is a female labrador mix rescued in Texas. Our veterinary partner estimates that Betty2 is 9 years old at the time of intake in August 2024. Betty2 was found on the streets begging for help, with some skin concerns that needed attention. RDR committed to her and now look at her! She loves her new fur and is ready to come find her forever humans here in the Northeast.
If you can give Betty2 that forever home, please apply online to adopt Betty2 (TX) at's adoption fees include the cost of spay/neuter/microchip at an RDR-approved facility, whether completed before adoption or if deferred because the pet is too young or has a medical issue. All pets are also current on age-appropriate vaccines at the time of adoption Given technical constraints on this database, this pet's location may not be as listed here. We can, however, provide transport support for pets in foster at a considerable distance from the adopter.
More about Betty2 (TX)
Good with Dogs, Good with Kids
Other Pictures of Betty2 (TX) (click to see larger version):