We saved Egypt from the NYC high kill shelter. She's currently in foster and looking for a forever home!
Here is what her foster Mom has to say:
Egypt is enjoying her life at her foster home. She is polite & social with everyone she meets, including people, doggies, & kitties. Egypt likes to chase kitties with her slow pace, but once she catches up to them, she remains polite. Egypt is house trained and knows commands like sit, lay down, & wait. Egypt's only handicap at this time is her weight and arthritis, but in due time, she'll reduce that handicap with proper diet and exercise. During her first week at her foster home, her stamina has shown improvement and delights in walking around the yard to strengthen her muscles. For the next couple of months, Egypt will continue to eat healthy and exercise to improve her health and get her svelte figure back. She's a beauty both in spirit and appearance, and I'm glad she's with us and getting a fighting chance, we love you Egypt!
More about Egypt
Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Adults, Obedient, Eager To Please, Even-tempered
Other Pictures of Egypt (click to see larger version):